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3D Printing of Sustainable Insect Materials [...
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3rd International Conference on the Applicati...
60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming [Pap...
60-GHz CMOS Phase-Locked Loops [Paperback]
6th International Conference on Nanotechnolog...
A Designers Guide to Built-In Self-Test [Pap...
A High-Rate Virtual Instrument of Marine Vehi...
A New Generation Material Graphene: Applicati...
AETA 2017 - Recent Advances in Electrical Eng...
Achieving Quality Software: Including Its App...
Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Stocha...
Active Glass for Photonic Devices: Photoinduc...
Active Noise Control Primer [Paperback]
Active and Passive Vibration Control of Struc...
Adaptive Internal Model Control [Paperback]
Adaptive and Robust Active Vibration Control:...
Advanced Computational Intelligence Technique...
Advanced Control of Electrical Drives and Pow...
Advanced Formal Verification [Hardcover]
Advanced Man-Machine Interaction: Fundamental...
Advanced Sliding Mode Control for Mechanical...
Advanced Technologies in Robotics and Intelli...
Advanced Transdisciplinary Engineering and Te...
Advanced X-Ray Radiation Detection:: Medical...
Advancement of Science and Technology: Materi...
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration III: Proc...
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials [...
Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Me...
Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2014 [...
Advances in Manufacturing Systems: Select Pro...
Advances in Mathematical Systems Theory: A Vo...
Advances in PGPR Research [Hardcover]
Advances in Robot Kinematics 2022 [Paperback]
Advances in Safety Management and Human Facto...
Advances in Simulation of Wing and Nacelle St...
Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural...
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 3...
Advances on Testing and Experimentation in Ci...
Aerodynamic Data of Space Vehicles [Paperback
Agri-environmental Management in Europe: Sust...
Agrometeorology [Paperback]
Aktuelle Probleme der Polymer-Physik: Vortr?g...
Akustische ?berwachung automatisierter F?gepr...
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XII: Proc...
Allgemeine Algebra und Anwendungen [Paperback
American Defence Annual, 1994 [Paperback]
Amtliche Mitteilungen aus der Abteilung f?r F...
An Evaluation Framework for Multimodal Intera...
An Introduction to Hybrid Dynamical Systems [...
Analog Circuit Design: Volt Electronics; Mixe...
Analyse und Beurteilung von Lagesteuerungen f...
Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devi...
Analysis of Solids in Natural Waters [Paperba
Analytische und projektive Geometrie f?r die...
Application Specific Processors [Hardcover]
Applications of Advanced Technology to Ash-Re...
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Bu...
Applications of Computation in Mechanical Eng...
Applications of Organometallic Chemistry in t...
Applications of Polymers [Paperback]
Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Indus...
Applied Computational Materials Modeling: The...
Applied Machining Technology [Hardcover]
Applied Methods of Structural Reliability [Pa...
Applied Ontology Engineering in Cloud Service...
Applying Machine Learning for Automated Class...
Architectural Acoustics Handbook [Hardcover]
Arch?ometrie: Neuere naturwissenschaftliche M...
Artificial Intelligence Application in Networ...
Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applic...
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning...
Assembly Line Balancing under Uncertain Task...
Assembly Line Design: The Balancing of Mixed-...
Atomistic and Continuum Modeling of Nanocryst...
Audel Questions and Answers for Electrician's...
Aufgaben zum Skriptum Informatik [Paperback]
AutoSketch - Zeichenkurs [Paperback]
Automated Low-Altitude Air Delivery: Towards...
Automated Validation & Verification of UM...
Automotive Acoustics Conference 2017: 4. Inte...
Autonomous Systems Self-Organization, Manag...
Ayurvedic Science of Food and Nutrition [Hard...
Bau und Berechnung gew?lbter Br?cken und ihre...
Baufachkunde: Hochbau [Paperback]
Baumaschinen und Baueinrichtungen: Dritter Ba...
Bauunternehmensmanagement-prozessorientiert B...
Bauvertragsrecht: Ein Leitfaden f?r die Praxi...
Behavior of Unbounded Post- tensioned Masonry...
Berechnung und Gestaltung von Wellen [Paperba
Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2006: Bun...
Betriebsdatenerfassung in Konstruktion und Ar...
Beyond-CMOS Technologies for Next Generation...
Biological Control of Insect Pests Using Egg...
Biomimetics for Architecture & Design: Na...
Biosensing and Micro-Nano Devices: Design Asp...
Black Rice: Research, History and Development...
Blandings Practical Physical Distribution: A...
Blind Speech Separation [Hardcover]
Bl?tter f?r Technikgeschichte [Paperback]
Bond Graph Modelling for Control, Fault Diagn...
Boundary-Layer Theory [Hardcover]
Building Global Resilience in the Aftermath o...
Buildings for Advanced Technology [Paperback]
Business Reengineering: Effizientes Neugestal...
Butterfly Optimization Algorithm: Theory and...
C# .NET mit Methode: Professionelle Software...
CMOS Circuits for Electromagnetic Vibration T...
Cable-Driven Parallel Robots: Proceedings of...
Carbon Nanostructures in Biomedical Applicati...
Ceramic Microstructures: Property control by...
China's High-Speed Rail Technology: An Intern...
Circuit Design for Wireless Communications: I...
Clinical and Biomedical Engineering in the Hu...
Coastal Altimetry [Paperback]
Coexistence and Confrontation of Agricultural...
Cognitive Radio Receiver Front-Ends: RF/Analo...
Cognitive Semantics of Artificial Intelligenc...
Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII: Proceeding...
Coherent Light Microscopy: Imaging and Quanti...
Cold Spray in the Realm of Additive Manufactu...
Collective Plasmon-Modes in Gain Media: Quant...
Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds: A Guide to We...
Complex Networks & Their Applications IX:...
Complex Systems Design & Management: Proc...
Complex Systems: Spanning Control and Computa...
Composite Materials in Aerospace Design [Pape...
Computational Electrophysiology [Paperback]
Computational Methods for ElectronMolecule C...
Computational Methods for the Innovative Desi...
Computational Metrics for Soccer Analysis: Co...
Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and I...
Computational Techniques for Voltage Stabilit...
Computer Integrated Manufacturing und Wettbew...
Concept Generation for Design Creativity: A S...
Conceptual Design for Engineers [Hardcover]
Concise Introduction to Cement Chemistry and...
Concurrent Engineering: Contemporary issues a...
Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainf...
Construction Productivity: A Practical Guide...
Continuous and Distributed Systems II: Theory...
Control Mechanisms for Ecological-Economic Sy...
Control Synthesis for Semi-Markovian Switchin...
Control of Uncertain Systems with Bounded Inp...
Controlling Synchronization Patterns in Compl...
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: O...
Creating Assertion-Based IP [Hardcover]
Cultivating Coffee: The Farmers of Carazo, Ni...
Current Options for Cereal Improvement: Doubl...
Current Problems in Condensed Matter [Paperba
Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods [Paperb
DNA Computing Based Genetic Algorithm: Applic...
DRM, a Design Research Methodology [Hardcover
Dampfturbinenschaufeln: Profilformen, Werksto...
Das Fr?sen [Paperback]
Das Skizzieren von Maschinenteilen in Perspek...
Das Veranschlagen von Hochbauten nach der Die...
Das Walzen von Hohlk?rpern und das Kalibriere...
Das Wort, das Spiel, das Bild: Unterrichtsmet...
Decision Economics: Minds, Machines, and thei...
Decision Making with Uncertainty in Stormwate...
Deep Currents And Rising Tides: The Indian Oc...
Defects in Self-Catalysed III-V Nanowires [Pa...
Der Dreher als Rechner: Wechselr?der-, Kegel-...
Der Einflu? der Nietl?cher auf die L?ngen?nde...
Der Massivbau: Stein-, Beton- und Eisenbetonb...
Der Spannungszustand von Gatters?gebl?ttern [...
Der Trass, seine Entstehung, Gewinnung und Be...
Der Vorrichtungsbau: II. Typische Einzelvorri...
Der Werdegang eines Ingenieurs [Paperback]
Der elektrische Landwirt: Ein Merkb?chlein in...
Der neuzeitliche Stra?enbau: Aufgaben und Tec...
Design and Control of RF Power Amplifiers [Ha...
Design and Test Strategies for 2D/3D Integrat...
Design for Manufacturability with Advanced Li...
Design of Experiments in Production Engineeri...
Design of Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS Delta-Si...
Design through Digital Interaction: Computing...
Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide f...
Designing and Evaluating Value Added Services...
Detox Fashion: Sustainable Chemistry and Wet...
Development and Testing of Navigation Algorit...
Development of Autonomous Robotic Platform fo...
Developments in Information & Knowledge M...
Developments in Polymer Stabilisation8 [Pape...
Die Berechnung der Scheibenkolben. Der Einflu...
Die Beziehung zwischen der Garnungleichm??igk...
Die K?nstliche Seide: Ihre Herstellung und Ve...
Digitalisierung des Bauschaffens: Grundlagen...
Discrete Control Systems [Hardcover]
Durability of Building Materials and Componen...
Dynamic Failure of Composite and Sandwich Str...
Dynamics of Complex Autonomous Boolean Networ...
Dynamisches Verhalten spanender Werkzeugmasch...
Electro-Chemo-Mechanics of Anodic Porous Alum...
Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Sc...
Emerging Technology and Architecture for Big-...
Emotional Artificial Intelligence and Metaver...
Essentials of Dynamics and Vibrations [Hardco
Ethics in Agriculture - An African Perspectiv...
Experimental Research of Cavity Optomechanics...
Experimental and Numerical Study of Glass Fa?...
Extrusion Bioprinting of Scaffolds for Tissue...
Feedback Amplifiers: Theory and Design [Paper
Flugmechanik: Moderne Flugzeugentwurfs- und S...
Food Powders Properties and Characterization...
Formal Methods for Discrete-Time Dynamical Sy...
Fractional Order Differentiation and Robust C...
Fundamental of Transport Phenomena and Metall...
Fundamentals of Transport Processes with Appl...
Fuzzy Logic, Identification and Predictive Co...
Ingredients in Meat Products: Properties, Fun...
Innovation Cell: Agile Teams to Master Disrup...
Innovation in Agricultural Robotics for Preci...
Instrumentierung der Bioimpedanzmessung: Opti...
Interval Type-3 Fuzzy Systems: Theory and Des...
Introduction to Analytical Methods for Intern...
Introduction to Digital Communications [Hardc
Introduction to Frame Analysis: First and Sec...
Introduction to Isotopic Materials Science [H...
Introduction to Surfactant Analysis [Hardcove
Introduction to Wine Laboratory Practices and...
Inverse Heat Transfer Problems [Paperback]
Kernenergie in ?sterreich: pro und contra [Pa...
Kooperation und Konkurrenz: Nebenl?ufige, ver...
Kupolofenbetrieb [Paperback]
LACAME 2012: Proceedings of the 13th Latin Am...
Laminar-Turbulent Transition: IUTAM Symposium...
Land Degradation Neutrality: Achieving SDG 15...
Laser Physics and Technology: Proceedings of...
Laser-Induced Chemical Processes [Paperback]
Lasers in Materials Science [Paperback]
Lebensmittelanalytik: Band 2: Chromatographis...
Lehrbuch der Technischen Mechanik: Zweiter Ba...
Leitfaden der H?ttenkunde f?r Maschinentechni...
Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World...
Logistik-Management: Strategien Konzepte ...
Loose Leaf for Technology Of Machine Tools [...
Loose Leaf for Electronics: Principles and Ap...
Loose Leaf for Introduction to Mechatronics a...
Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation,...
MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German Initiatives f...
Machine Learning and Flow Assurance in Oil an...
Malts and Malting [Hardcover]
Management of Medical Technology: Theory, Pra...
Managing Environmental Risk Through Insurance...
Manual of Digital Earth [Paperback]
Manure Technology and Sustainable Development...
Maschinenkunde [Paperback]
Materials with Extreme Wetting Properties: Me...
Measurement, Control, and Communication Using...
Measuring Systemic Risk: A Probabilistic Pers...
Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete P...
Mechanics of Structural Elements: Theory and...
Mechanobiology of Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix I...
Mechatronics: Ideas for Industrial Applicatio...
Merkbl?tter 44014800 [Paperback]
Methoden zur Analyse von Zeitverl?ufen: Anwen...
Micro Cogeneration: Towards Decentralized Ene...
Microactuators, Microsensors and Micromechani...
Microfluidic Very Large Scale Integration (VL...
Micromanufacturing and Nanotechnology [Hardco
Microorganisms to Combat Pollution [Hardcover
Microstructuring of Glasses [Paperback]
Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables [Ha...
Mitteilungen ?ber Forschungsarbeiten auf dem...
Mobile Robot Localization and Map Building: A...
Modeling and Simulation Environment for Satel...
Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials with M...
Modelling the Evolution of Natural Fracture N...
Models of Horizontal Eye Movements, Part II:...
Modern Industrial IoT, Big Data and Supply Ch...
Moderne Kurzwellen-Empfangstechnik [Paperback
Moduln und Ringe [Paperback]
Molecular Electronics Materials, Devices and...
More than Moore: Creating High Value Micro/Na...
Moving a House with Preservation in Mind [Pap...
Mulching in Agroecosystems: Plants, Soil &...
Multi-GHz Frequency Synthesis & Division:...
Multi-model Jumping Systems: Robust Filtering...
Multiprozessorsysteme: Eine Einf?hrung in die...
Multivariate Analyseverfahren [Paperback]
M?ssbauer Spectroscopy of Environmental Mater...
Nachhaltiges Vertriebscontrolling f?r Elektro...
Nachrichten?bertragung ?ber Satelliten: Grund...
Nano/Micro-Structured Materials for Energy an...
Nanorobotics: Current Approaches and Techniqu...
Nanoscience: The Science of the Small in Phys...
Networking and Computation: Technology, Model...
Neuronal Network Dynamics in 2D and 3D in vit...
Neuroscience Databases: A Practical Guide [Ha...
New Directions in Signal Processing in Commun...
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Flu...
New Technologies in Electromagnetic Non-destr...
Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks...
Nonlinear Optics for the Information Society:...
Nonlinear Stability of Finite Volume Methods...
Novel Biomaterials: Decontamination of Toxic...
Nuclear Materials Safety Management Volume II...
Nuclear Simulation: Second European Nuclear S...
Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics: An assessment o...
Operation and Maintenance of Thermal Power St...
Optical Particle Sizing: Theory and Practice...
Optical Waveguide Theory [Paperback]
Optimal Transport Statistics for Economics an...
Optimization and Decision Support Systems for...
Optimization of Structural Systems and Indust...
PLD Based Design with VHDL: RTL Design, Synth...
Parallele digitale optische Recheneinheiten:...
Particle Size Analysis: Classification and se...
Passive Mikrowellenradiometrie [Paperback]
Pattern Recognition and Prediction with Appli...
Performance and Management of Complex Communi...
Permanent Magnet Spherical Motors: Model and...
Perturbation Techniques for Flexible Manipula...
Photon and Electron Collisions with Atoms and...
Photovoltaic Power Generation: Proceedings of...
Physical Chemistry of Food Processes, Volume...
Phytobiomes: Current Insights and Future Vist...
Piezoelectric Transducers for Vibration Contr...
Pipe Welding Procedures [Hardcover]
Plant Genomics for Sustainable Agriculture [P...
Plasmaphysik f?r Physiker [Paperback]
Plastomechanik der Umformung metallischer Wer...
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Based Composites and Nan...
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Mammalian a...
Post-Fire Management and Restoration of South...
Power Electronics for Renewable and Distribut...
Power Supply in Telecommunications [Paperback
Praktische Baustatik: Teil 2 [Paperback]
Predictive and Preventive Measures for Covid-...
Principles of Analytical System Dynamics [Har...
Privacy in Dynamical Systems [Paperback]
Proceedings of International Conference on Ad...
Proceedings of International Conference on Ne...
Proceedings of The 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conferen...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conferen...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conferen...
Proceedings of the Conference Inverse Problem...
Proceedings of the International Conference o...
Progress in High-Efficient Solution Process O...
Progress in Nanophotonics 5 [Hardcover]
Progress in Optomechatronic Technologies: Pro...
Progress of Recycling in the Built Environmen...
Projekt- und Investitionscontrolling mit SAP...
Proze?management im Technischen Vertrieb: Neu...
Pr?fung von Hochspannungs-Leistungsschaltern...
Quantum Computing Environments [Paperback]
Quasi-unsteady CHP Operation of Power Plants:...
Radar Essentials: A concise handbook for rada...
Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry and Its R...
Raman Imaging: Techniques and Applications [P...
Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Contro...
Recent Development in Wireless Sensor and Ad-...
Recent Trends in Civil Engineering: Select Pr...
Rechnergest?tzte Beurteilung von Getriebestru...
Reconstruction, Identification and Implementa...
Recycling von Wasserlackoverspray durch Elekt...
Reduction of Nonlinear Control Systems: A Dif...
Reliability Data for Research Reactor Probabi...
Reliability and Safety Engineering [Hardcover
Remote Sensing in Hydrology [Paperback]
Repr?sentationismus Was sonst?: Eine kritis...
Residues: Thinking Through Chemical Environme...
Robot and Multibody Dynamics: Analysis and Al...
Robotics Research: The 15th International Sym...
Robust Control in Power Systems [Paperback]
Robust Filtering for Uncertain Systems: A Par...
Rock Mechanics: For Underground Mining [Paper
Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil: Volume...
Root Engineering: Basic and Applied Concepts...
S-Variable Approach to LMI-Based Robust Contr...
SOI Design: Analog, Memory and Digital Techni...
Safety in the Digital Age: Sociotechnical Per...
Sampled-Data Control for Periodic Objects [Ha...
Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Land [H...
Schaltger?te: Grundlagen, Aufbau, Wirkungswei...
Schwingungslehre mit Maschinendynamik [Paperb
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management...
Security Issues in Mobile NFC Devices [Hardco
Security and Privacy in New Computing Environ...
Security of Cyber-Physical Systems: State Est...
Security, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Systems...
Selected Aerothermodynamic Design Problems of...
Sensors and Microsystems: Proceedings of the...
Sicherheit mobiler Kommunikation: Schutz in G...
Signaltheorie: Grundlagen der Signalbeschreib...
Silicon Quantum Integrated Circuits: Silicon-...
Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Dev...
Smart Materials: Considerations on Earth and...
Soil Remediation and Rehabilitation: Treatmen...
Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modeling Techni...
Solid Mechanics: A Variational Approach, Augm...
Solid-Liquid Interfaces: Macroscopic Phenomen...
Somaclonal Variation in Crop Improvement II [...
Sonic Skills: Listening for Knowledge in Scie...
Sophisticated Signals and the Uncertainty Pri...
Soybeans: Chemistry, Technology, and Utilizat...
Space Modeling with SolidWorks and NX [Hardco
Spatial Filtering for the Control of Smart St...
Spectrum Sharing Between Radars and Communica...
Spline and Spline Wavelet Methods with Applic...
Sprachtechnologie in der Anwendung -: Sprachp...
Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 4...
Stability and Convergence of Mechanical Syste...
Steam Tables in SI-Units / Wasserdampftafeln:...
Still Image Compression on Parallel Computer...
Stochastic Analysis in Production Process and...
Stochastic Optimal Control Theory with Applic...
Stochastische Signale: Eine Einf?hrung in Mod...
Stress Responses of Lactic Acid Bacteria [Har...
Structural Integrity and Fatigue Failure Anal...
Struktur und Tendenzen in der industriellen E...
Studies on Perfect Hyperbranched Chains Fre...
Sustainable Product Development: Tools, Metho...
Sustainable Urban Logistics: Concepts, Method...
Synthesis and Characterisation of Non-Fullere...
Synthesis of Power Distribution to Manage Sig...
Systemanalyse und Regelkreissynthese: Eine ei...
Techniques in Forage Quality Analysis [Paperb
Technische Mechanik f?r Ingenieure: Band 3: D...
Technisches Optimieren [Paperback]
Technological Concepts and Mathematical Model...
Teil A: Baustoffe: Grundlagen und Bauelemente...
Telecommunication Networks [Hardcover]
Temperaturadaptive Prozessauslegung f?r das L...
Tensor Analysis [Hardcover]
Test und Testbarkeit digitaler Schaltungen [P...
Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures...
The 30th SIAR International Congress of Autom...
The Conifer Manual: Volume 1 [Hardcover]
The Esri Guide to GIS Analysis, Volume 1: Geo...
The FFT in the 21st Century: Eigenspace Proce...
The Impact of Cognition on Radar Technology [...
The Lattice Boltzmann Equation: For Complex S...
The Production and Processing of Inorganic Ma...
The Risk Analysis Controversy: An Institution...
The Science and Practice of Resilience [Hardc
The Security Dilemmas of Southeast Asia [Pape...
The Structure and Reaction Processes of Coal...
Theorie des Segelfluges [Paperback]
Theorie und Praxis der Schwingungspr?fmaschin...
Theory of Elasticity [Paperback]
Thermal Decomposition of Solids and Melts: Ne...
Thin Film Metal-Oxides: Fundamentals and Appl...
Three-Dimensional Machine Vision [Paperback]
Time Dependent Hartree-Fock and Beyond: Proce...
Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Schedu...
Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables M...
Tracer Diffusion Data for Metals, Alloys, and...
Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion: Methodologic...
Transporting Compressed Digital Video [Hardco
Tropical Agriculture in Transition Opportun...
Tr?gerfrequenz-Nachrichten?bertragung ?ber Ho...
Turbo Code Applications: a Journey from a Pap...
Turbulent Impinging Jets into Porous Material...
Ultra Low Power Transceiver for Wireless Body...
Ultra-thin Chip Technology and Applications [...
Ultraschallbahnschwei?en von Kunststoffteilen...
Ultrathin Magnetic Structures II: Measurement...
Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing: Modeli...
Unified Strength Theory and Its Applications...
Untersuchung des Einflusses der Str?mungsgesc...
Untersuchungen von elektrischen Antrieben, St...
Untersuchungen ?ber die Mischung bei Zweikrei...
Utilization of Sewage Sludge on Land: Rates o...
VLSI Systems and Computations [Paperback]
Verbessertes virtuelles Prototyping: Mit RISC...
Virtual Decomposition Control: Toward Hyper D...
Viruses, Hardware and Software Trojans: Attac...
Viskosimetrische Untersuchungen an metallisch...
Visual Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: Unif...
Voltage Regulators for Next Generation Microp...
Vorlesungen ?ber Maschinenelemente [Paperback
Wasserkraftanlagen: Erste H?lfte Planung, Tri...
Water Story : Learning from the Past, Plannin...
Water-Soluble Polymers for Petroleum Recovery...
Well Performance [Hardcover]
Werkzeuge und Einrichtung der selbstt?tigen D...
Wertsch?pfung in der Bottom-up-?konomie [Hard...
Wireless Sensor and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: V...
Wireless Transceiver Systems Design [Hardcove
Wirkerei und Strickerei, Netzen und Filetstri...
Wirkungsweise der Motorz?hler und Me?wandler...
Wissenschaftliche Anwendungen der Photographi...
Wood Polymer Composites: Recent Advancements...
Work-Life Balance in Construction: Millennial...
Workgroups eAssessment: Planning, Implementin...
World Forests, Markets and Policies [Hardcove
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X-Ray Diffraction Crystallography: Introducti...
Yearbook on Space Policy 2014: The Governance...
Zerkleinerungs- und Klassiermaschinen [Paperb
Zur Sicherheit des Dampfkesselbetriebes: Beri...
Zur Theorie des vollkommenen und unvollkommen...
Zusammenstellung der Bestimmungen ?ber Ausbil...
iMEC-APCOMS 2019: Proceedings of the 4th Inte...
?ber das Verhalten von schlanken St?ben und d...
?ber die Sulfatbest?ndigkeit von Zementm?rtel...
?lfernleitungen in verkehrswirtschaftlicher S...
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